Join your fellow shareholders who
have already said “yes” to e-delivery.

27.0% statement e-delivery adoption rate*
*Adoption rate percentage based on the most recent quarterly account statement mailing.

Understand the impact

The yearly production of shareholder communications for 100 investors result in:

wood use
.1 U.S.
short tons
hazardous air pollutants
.08 pounds
green house gas
788 pounds
CO2 equiv.
water usage
sulfur dioxide
0.4 pounds
total energy
1.2 million BTUs
132 pounds
threatened species
6 species
total energy
1.2 million BTUs
solid waste
61.1 pounds
water usage

Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmental Paper Network Paper Calculator Version 4.0. For more information visit

Yearly impact estimates are based on 100 investors consenting to e-delivery of account statements and regulatory documents, reducing paper usage by 63 sheets annually per investor.